Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Happy Endings by Margaret Atwood Analysis Essay

Margaret Atwood’s ‘‘Happy Endings’’ first appeared in the 1983 Canadian collection, Murder in the Dark, and it was published in 1994 for American audiences in Good Bones and Simple Murders. Subtitled ‘‘Short Fiction and Prose Poems,’’ Murder in the Dark featured four types of works: autobiographical sketches, travel notes, experimental pieces addressing the nature of writing, and short pieces dealing with typical Atwood themes, notably the relationship between the sexes. ‘‘Happy Endings,’’ which is essentially a self-referential story framework, falls into the third category. In ‘‘Happy Endings,’’ Atwood fulfills this role with a challenge that she throws out to those writers who rely on the stereotypical characterization of men and women and to the reader who accepts such gender typing. At the same time, she challenges other writers to more closely examine typical literary convention (1). Margaret Atwood was born on November 18, 1939, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Her childhood was divided between the city and the country. Her family spent the school year in Ottawa and Toronto, where her father taught entomology or worked for government agencies, and summers in northern Quebec and Ontario where her father conducted research. These early experiences away from urban society encouraged Atwood to read and develop her imagination. As a child, Atwood composed and illustrated poems, which she collected into small books. She wrote prose and poetry for her high school drama class. In her short story â€Å"Happy Endings†, Margaret Atwood simultaneously displays her feelings about not only the art of creative writing, but also the equally artistic act of living one’s life to the fullest. The story, if it can really be called a â€Å"story† in the traditional sense of the word, immediately breaks the thin wall of author/audience by presenting a completely uniqu e structure: that of an outline or a jumbled notebook. By asking the reader, â€Å"If you want a happy ending, try A,† Atwood is seemingly giving the reader a choice. Since â€Å"A† must be the happy ending, it implies that there are other, more sinister endings yet to be discovered. Appropriately, after the happy ending has completed, there follows five more endings, all of which seem to be quite depressing, but nevertheless end in â€Å"everything continues in A† Margaret Atwood uses her short story Happy Endings to show that it is not the end of a story that is important it is the middle. She seems to say that the endings are all clichà © that the middle is the part that is unique. This holds true with literature versus a beach novel although a beach novel and piece of literature may end the same way it is the rest of the book that makes one different from the other. As she says the true ending is â€Å"John and Mary die† the only guarantee in life is death. So since the ending is already known why does it have the tendency to â€Å"steal† the spotlight from the rest of the story? Sure in some cases people can guess the middle of a story from the ending, if they find someone died in an electric chair they can assume he committed a crime. However if someone dies from heart failure no one can know anything about his life, they may guess the person ate too much junk food, or drank too much but if they don’t know anything else they can’t guess the middle. However if someone knows the middle they can guess the ending, if they are told that person â€Å"A† had to have triple bypass surgery and that person â€Å"B† murdered a few people they can make an educated guess how each story ends. †¨But even the middle of the story is only part of a greater whole, without the beginning of the story no one can tell why certain events happened and what lead to person â€Å"A† to doing â€Å"action z†. Atwood also says that what happens is not all-important but how it happens and why it happens. According to Atwood, all the what’s are just the plot, one thing that happens after another, however the how and the whys are what really make a story more than a story. This is the important part, the how’s and the whys are what makes a story literature with out them it makes no difference if the prose is expertly laid out or not it is all still a story nothing more. The step from story to literature is a gray line and is based on personal taste, as Justice Stewart said â€Å"I know it when I see it† although he was referring to obscenity it is just as applicable here. The use of story like this to portray the differences in opinion on what makes a story is pure genius on the part of Atwood, what is even more interesting is the fact that it is also considered literature. The main theme in most literature that divides it from the rest of the stories is that literature tries to make a specific point, and in doing so forces the reader to think about the point that the author is trying to make. In this way it is easy to decide what is literature and what is not, if at the end of a story if the reader’s only thought is â€Å"Gee, what a nice story† then it is most definitely not literature, but if instead if the thought is more along the lines of â€Å"The author said A, B and C but were they really trying to make a point about D?† it is literature. Although even this test has it’s holes because literature for one person is just a nice story for someone else. As Flannery O’Connor said, â€Å"[if you don’t get the enlightenment] just sit back and enjoy the story. Why would Atwood do this? In each of her scenarios, she creates two main characters, John and Mary appropriately boring names for characters that are so underdeveloped and stereotyped as to be almost comedic. It would be possible to call them each protagonist, but they are the very definition of flat characters: dull and undeveloped. In fact, the reader is informed of their personality traits not because Atwood shows them through a conflict or a plot rather, she simply tells them. Lines such as, â€Å"She sleeps with him even though she’s not in love with him,† present the type of stock character that Mary or John will assume for said scenario without any mystery involved. By creating such flat characters that differ between scenarios, but still coming back with â€Å"everything continues as in A,† Atwood brings up an interesting point: it’s not the destination that matters it’s all the same for everyone it’s the journey. In fact, after presenting all of her mock scenarios for the characters, Atwood abruptly changes tone to tell the reader an important fact: â€Å"The only authentic ending is the one presented here: John and Mary die. John and Mary die. John and Mary die.† After all, at the end of every person’s life, regardless of how he or she lived it or what he or she experienced, they will encounter death. Atwood notices that people tend to not think quite like this, if only because it is not the most comforting of thoughts, and she uses â€Å"Happy Endings† to allow people a chance to be a bit introspective. â€Å"So much for endings. Beginnings are always more fun. True connoisseurs, however, are known to favor the stretch in between, since it’s the hardest to do anything with.† Such is true for writing; such is true for life. With her unconventional structure, caricatures for characters, and sometimes-sarcastic tone, Atwood manages to convey one of the most important concepts about life of all. Do not let life become â€Å"a what and a what and a what.† Learn to favor the stretch between beginning and end, and then, perhaps, you can make your own happy ending.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Socio Economic Impacts On Sub Saharan Africa

The exposure to climate alteration is considered to be high in developing states due to societal, economic and environmental conditions that amplify susceptibleness to negative impacts and lend to low capacity to get by with and accommodate to climate jeopardies. In add-on, projected impacts of clime alteration by and large are more inauspicious for low latitudes, where most underdeveloped states are located, than for higher latitudes. The developing states face many challenges – poorness, a high disease load, rapid population growing, nutrient insecurity, and limited H2O entree. Climate alteration is likely to drive the bulk of the population into destitution, as assets are lost and resources are diverted to cover with exigencies, alternatively of being used for development. Historically, the Earth has experienced periods of chilling and heating, with average temperatures staying comparatively stable. These alterations were due to the energy balance between land, sea and ambi ance. However, human activities such as firing fossil fuels and deforestation have contributed to the addition in nursery gases ( GHG ) in the ambiance. These trap much of the heat that would otherwise flight from the Earth, taking to a by and large warmer universe. An agricultural enlargement seems improbable and increases in agricultural productiveness are needed in order to avoid extra people being forced into poorness and hungriness ( Cline 2007 ) . Current clime jeopardies and the impacts of jutting clime alteration endanger human development ( African Development Bank et Al, 2003 ) . Climate is linked to all the Millennium Development Goals, but is most straight relevant to the ends to eliminate utmost poorness and hungriness, cut down kid mortality, combat disease, and guarantee environmental sustainability ( Martin-Hurtado et Al, 2002 ) . Agriculture, which is extremely sensitive to climate and which is projected to be negatively impacted by clime alteration in much of the Torrid Zones and sub-tropics, is the direct or indirect beginning of support for about two-thirds of the population of developing states and is a significant subscriber to their national incomes. About 70 % of the universe ‘s hapless unrecorded in rural countries. Management of clime jeopardies and clime alteration impacts in the agribusiness sector and rural communities will be critical for success. Climate alteration threatens the basic elements of life for people around the universe – entree to H2O, nutrient, wellness, and usage of land and the environment. The exposure of people to nutrient insecurity, which accompanies poorness, is increased due to the debasement of the natural environment and the merchandises ( e.g. fruits, fish, H2O and range-fed farm animal ) and services ( e.g. modulating clime ) that it provides ( Biggs et. al. , 2004 ) . Degradation is due to a figure of tendencies including clime alteration, dirt eroding, the transition of ecosystems into croplands, overgrazing and urban enlargement, among other factors ( Biggs et. al. , 2004 ) . Climate alteration poses a serious menace to ecosystems in the development states in both the medium and long term. Increases in temperature will take, non merely to an addition in the frequence of utmost events, but besides to terrible debasement of biodiversity and the loss of H2O resources that are already scarce ( Biggs et. al. , 2004 ) . Sub-Saharan Africa is the part most vulnerable to the impacts of alteration because of widespread poorness and low degrees of proficient development which limits version capablenesss. There is considerable grounds that clime alteration is already impacting Africa ‘s people and its environment to the greater extend than any other part of the universe in footings of their supports ( Lindsay, et al 2009 ) . The impacts of clime alteration are predicted to impact the supports of most people in developing states and most particularly in Africa in many ways. By 2020, between 75 and 250 million people are predicted to be exposed to increased H2O emphasis due to climate alteration. By 2020, outputs from rain-fed agribusiness in some states could be reduced by up to 50 per centum, increasing nutrient insecurity and hungriness. By 2080, an addition of 5 to 8 per centum of waterless and semi-arid land in Africa is projected. Climate alteration is likely to impact the distribution forms of infective diseases ; for illustration, there is likely to be an addition in mosquitoes which spread dandy fever and xanthous febrility. Sea degrees are projected to lift by around 25cm by 2050 ; Africa ‘s coastal countries are already sing environmental jobs including coastal eroding, deluging and remission. ( Said Kolawole et al 2009 ) . Alessandra Giannini, et Al, 2008, reviews the grounds that connects drouth and desertification in the Sahel with clime alteration past, present and future in the sub-region. Their survey concludes that there is a correlativity between the desertification and clime alteration in the Sahel part of Africa. The African Sahel provides the most dramatic illustration of multi-decadal clime variableness that has been quantitatively and straight measured. Annual rainfall across this part fell by between 20 and 30 per cent between the decennaries taking up to political independency for the Sahelian states ( 1930s to 1950s ) and the decennaries since ( 1970s to 1990s ) . Lindsay, et al 2009, farther throws more light on the impacts of clime alteration, drouth and desertification and how they are closely interlinked, and most acutely experienced by populations whose supports depend chiefly on natural resources. Their paper examines three interlinked drivers of version ; clime alteration, desertification and drouth, measuring the extent to which international and national policy supports local adaptative schemes. 2. Problem Statement The unimpeded growing of nursery gas emanations is raising the Earth ‘s temperature. The effects include runing glaciers, more precipitation, more and more utmost conditions events, and switching seasons. The speed uping gait of clime alteration, combined with planetary population and income growing, threatens nutrient security everyplace. Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate alteration. Higher temperatures finally cut down outputs of desirable harvests while promoting weed and pest proliferation. Changes in precipitation forms increase the likeliness of short-term harvest failures and long-term production diminutions. Although there will be additions in some harvests in some parts of the universe, the overall impacts of clime alteration on agribusiness are expected to be negative, endangering planetary nutrient security. Populations in the underdeveloped universe, which are already vulnerable and nutrient insecure, are likely to be the most earnestly affected. In 2005, about half of the economically active population in developing countries-2.5 billion people-relied on agribusiness for its support. Today, 75 per centum of the universe ‘s hapless unrecorded in rural countries. ( Gerald C. et Al 2009 ) . Climate alteration issues require multiple stakeholders, planetary challenges and societal sustainability issues. This is because there are changing arguments on the causes, impacts of clime, version and extenuation issues when placing sustainable solutions on the subject. The presence of important uncertainnesss has led research workers to stress the analysis of regional and national effects ( Mendelsohn & A ; Dinar, 2004 ) . The issue of clime alteration is without uncertainty of import for developing states with an agricultural economic system and really hard to grok easy as it is multi- faceted in attack. The subject is really complex, multinational in nature and integrated in position and attack. The linkage of societal impact of clime alteration in the development states have non been good researched and most particularly in connexion with Sub Saharan Africa and non-Sub-Sahara Africa ( NSSA ) states. Climate Change has several support impacts in developing states as it reduces outputs, family incomes, wellness issues, environmental jobs and the exposure of the disadvantages in rural communities. 3. Hypothesis The socio-economic impact of clime alteration is much more likely to impact Sub-Saharan Africa ( SSA ) than non-Sub-Sahara Africa ( NSSA ) states and socio-economic dimension of version severally. 4. Overall Aim To set about a comparative surveies on the socio-economic impact of clime alteration and their socio- economic dimensions of version in Sub-Saharan Africa ( SSA ) and non-Sub-Sahara Africa ( NSSA ) states. 5. Empirical Research Questions 1. To reexamine literature on the socio-economic impacts of clime alteration in the development states. 2. To place the linkages between Sub-Saharan Africa ( SSA ) and non-Sub-Sahara Africa ( NSSA ) states in footings of clime alteration socio-economic impacts. 3. To analyze the socio-economic dimensions of version in these states, taking into history, pro-poor version, microfinance, safety cyberspace, new engineerings, index insurance and supports. 6. Theoretical and Conceptual Issues A significant sum of research has been conducted on the possible effects of clime on agricultural productiveness ( Parry, 1990 ; Leemans & A ; Solomon, 1993 ) . Some surveies have used clime induced alterations in harvest output to gauge possible planetary economic impacts ( Kane et al. , 1992 ) , while others have examined the indirect impact on economic variables such as farm gross and income ( Lang, 2001 ; Molua, 2003 ) . Schimmelpfennig et Al. ( 1996 ) present a simple taxonomy that classifies the method of analysis as either structural ( Adams et al. , 1990, 1995, 1998 ) or spacial parallel ( Darwin et al. , 1999 ; Kurukulasuriya & A ; Ajwad, 2007 ) . This survey would use some institutional economic sciences theories and the sustainable supports model analysis in making the comparative surveies. 7. Methodology The survey would do usage of quantitative and qualitative reappraisals of literature from secondary beginnings and informations already collected from the assorted parts and set about the comparative reappraisal and analysis. The survey would every bit good do usage of participatory rural assessment methods when sing the field for informations aggregation to acquire first manus information on the impacts of clime alteration and version in the assorted parts. Quantitative analysis and econometrics methods would be applied in this survey every bit good. Data analysis would every bit good be made with mention to the research jobs and aims. Data collected would be classified after the aggregation procedure and Statistical Package for the Social Science ( SPSS ) would be used to analyze all the informations collected in the field.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Capital invistment apprisals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Capital invistment apprisals - Essay Example There are 5 techniques that have been employed in this particular scenario: simple payback method; accounting rate of return (ARR); net present value (NPV); and internal rate of return (IRR) (Mott, 1997). Capital Investment Appraisal Capital investment appraisal is the evaluation of the attractiveness and viability of an investment proposal, using techniques like payback period; net present value (NPV); average rate of return (ARR); or internal rate of return (IRR) (Go?tze, Northcott & Schuster, 2008). Investment appraisal is an essential part of capital budgeting and is relevant in cases where the returns cannot be easily quantified (e.g. training, marketing, and personnel). All businesses need fixed assets (capital equipment) like vehicles, premises, and machinery. The acquisition of those assets is called capital investment. Just like other business activities, capital investment comes with an element of risk and uncertainty, because costs are incurred today so as to generate some benefits in the future (Harrison, 2003). Capital investment appraisal techniques are aimed at enhancing and supporting decision making on such investment undertakings. The Appraisal Techniques i) Payback Period Method This technique is based on the time needed for the forecasted net cash flows to equal the amount of capital that has been invested in a potential investment initiative (Mott, 1997). The investment project that repays whatever capital invested in the least possible time is considered to be the most attractive (Gardner, 1998). This technique requires the following estimates: (a) amount of capital needed, and (b) the timing and amount of the net cash flows an investment generates. Advantages a) Simple to compute and easy to understand b) Suitable for risky projects where it is difficult to predict future cash flows beyond the first couple of years (for instance, IT). c) Suitable if short term cash flows are more critical to the survival of an investment than long-term ca sh flows. d) Suitable when there is a concern regarding gearing or borrowing. Disadvantages a) Does not factor in the time value of money (cash now is often more valuable than cash received later). b) Disregards cash flows when the payback period elapses. ii) Accounting Rate of Return While the payback period method concentrates on cash flows, the ARR concentrates on profit. It measures the forecasted average profit before tax and interest as a percentage of the average capital invested in a business venture. Advantages a) Simple to compute and easy to understand b) Caters for the entire life of an investment c) Compatible with ROCE and the performance ratio Disadvantages a) Does not account for the time value of money b) Does not offer guidance on what is a good rate of return c) Averages can be confusing and misleading d) Disregards the timing of profits e) No uniform definition of terms iii) Net Present Value This is the present value of all the present and future cash flows of a n investment, discounted at those cash flows’ opportunity cost. Advantages a) Accounts for effects of inflation b) Adjust future cash flows to a PV (present value) Disadvantages a) Inflation is usually unpredictable b) The longer you go into the future the less reliable the discount

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Organism patenting in Africa Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organism patenting in Africa - Coursework Example They practiced these methods using DNA that was recombinant. Sometime after, Organism patenting was allowed after certain methods were seen fit to help with development and inventions. Patenting was allowed with one cardinal rule; that the patenting of living organism was and should be man-made. Since 1980, there have been many experiments that have been the result of patenting of the genetically modified organisms. Patenting of an organism includes the use of bacteria, viruses, certain seeds and plants. Another group of organisms that can be used is non-human species, particularly animals (Kankanala, 127, 2007).  Patenting does not only occur to the above named species. They can also occur from human cells, though these have to be in an isolated and manipulated state. Plants that are seemingly new and their seeds can be patented. Patenting does not come without its cost. There have been controversies that have gathered up from the time patenting occurred and has mostly been influe nced by the concern over the expense of certain patented medicines and other tests. There have also been concerns with genetically modified food which has brought concern as to whether the food originated from genetically modified seeds. Another main concern has been whether the farmers who plant the seeds of these plants have a right to harvest and plant the seeds. Each state has their own law regarding patenting rights, and some may allow certain patenting methods and organisms to be used while others may not. In this essay, attention will be paid towards patenting in Africa. Africa has been known to have issues with food, disease and health. Patenting in Africa is brings about stability and improve the living condition by ensuring that organisms patented can be able to survive; that plants can be able to tolerate the unfavorable conditions of the soil topography (Kankanala, 158, 2007).   There is one issue however; organism patenting seems to do more harm than good. This is bec ause despite the development of these organisms in order to make them more enhanced and beneficial, certain setbacks have proven to shake the foundation of the patenting scheme. For the negative feedbacks that are gotten from these experiments, it is the end user who is suffering, not the inventor. Take a case where certain bacteria is modified, patented and is introduced into a community that has had problems with the plants systems and animals, in that their survival is challenged. If the modified bacteria solution does not go as planned; say after harvesting the crops and consuming them, those who will suffer the most will be the end users. What this means is that scientists are just using people as experimental objects. They do not take responsibility and they must be liable to pay for their wrong doings. In a seemingly good society, they have introduced and organism that instead of doing a positive thing has turned out to be hazardous. It can be argued as a violation, but then again they may argue that it was just an experiment gone wrong. When patenting is done, it is done with the intention of making things and the lives of people more comfortable and lively. When this does not happen; when the opposite of good happens, responsibility is not taken by anyone. Many individuals have become ill because of the consumption of patented bacteria; have become more ill because maybe the virus that was patented has not served its purpose, or

Marketing Research assignment 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing Research assignment 4 - Essay Example In this case, there would be both public and professional understanding of the terms. Margin of error therefore is a radius of confidence where a statistical data from a survey relies on. This means that the marginal error is a center of information in which case there might be a higher or lower relative information. When a sample percentage is presented, a slot can be reduced on the actual value of 100% to 97% so that the 3% becomes the value of the error due to many procedures. The company can conduct a probability sampling. In this regard, each member of the target has a non-zero probability of inclusion in the sample. Here the information is unbiased because the information produced would relatively be expected to adhere to strict statistical analysis to avoid bigger errors. The sampling error considerable here is the measurable sampling error expressed as a confidence level. This means that there is a high reduction in the errors realized (Rea and Parker). Interactive, Harris. Margin of Error, When Used by Pollsters, Is Widely Misunderstood and Confuses Most People . 13 November 2007. 19 February 2014

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Essay on Ricardian trade Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

On Ricardian trade - Essay Example On the same basis, England specializes in the production of cloth and imports wine according to the Ricardian model. The amount of wine produced from specialization in Portugal and the free movement of workers to the wine producing industry increases compared to an autarky situation. Cloth production by England also augments due to increased workers and specialization allowing for the fall in prices for both countries. This leads to an increase in the consumption ability of the people in both countries. Trade, therefore, can occur despite one country having absolute advantage in the production of both goods due to the presence of comparative advantage in the production of one good over another. Assumptions of the Ricardian Model include the assumption of perfect competition where there is perfect information, free entry and exit by firms, homogenous output among firms, firms cannot influence output and prices, and the aim of the firms are to maximize profits (Winthrop, 1344). The other assumptions are that there are two goods produced by two countries using one factor of production (labor) that is homogenous and freely moves between industries and that there is full employment. Other assumptions are general equilibrium, industry production of the goods and services, resource constraint and its immobility across countries, and lack of transportation costs for goods and services across countries (Winthrop, 1344). The structure of the Ricardian model is that a country that has comparative advantage in the production of a good specializes in the production of the good for domestic consumption and export while importing the good that it has comparative disadvantage in its production. The other country will specialize in the production of the second good for its domestic consumption and export the extra to the first country getting the supplies of the first good through imports. This results in benefit

Friday, July 26, 2019

What are the methods, justifications and impacts of transgression on Essay

What are the methods, justifications and impacts of transgression on the rhetorics of the media South Park - Essay Example The use of rhetoric in various mediums is able to define and express specific approaches to those that are developing specific ideologies. In some instances, the traditional rhetoric is altered because of the expression which is used. This develops a sense of persuasion and understanding in a way that is able to create alternatives. The transgression is used to express opposition to the current political, social and economic environment, while developing personalized theories from the authors that are expressed in each episode. Transgression of Rhetoric of South Park â€Å"South Park† is now recognized as one of the most controversial shows on television. The show aired in 1992 with the â€Å"Spirit of Christmas,† which starred Jesus Christ battling his rival Satan. From this point, the show developed into productions based on Hollywood flicks, political controversies and statements which rebelled against the popular culture in society. The approach is one which continu es to develop with the issues which are currently associated with conflict in society while approaching these with a sense of cultural and political humor. The approach which has been taken by â€Å"South Park† in the last 20 years has developed it as a show noted as an oppositional culture. Instead of defining acceptable in terms of the political and social order, the show transgresses all of the order and opposes every angle with dichotomies and by negotiating the ideologies which are currently accepted in society (Gournelos, 2009: 15). ... The communication which is used is developed by taking apart the popular communication and showing that this exposure is one which does not provide relevant content to the current approaches. By opposing the statements which are made, â€Å"South Park† uses the transgression to make an even stronger statement. This is based on how the exposure in popular culture and in politics is irrelevant and is usually a substitute or metaphor toward an issue which is not being confronted or which does not exist at all. The tactic of oppositional culture then creates a transgression that shows another theory the authors effectively express (Pype, 2011: 114). An example of the oppositional culture that is created and the transgression that shows the irrelevance of the points is from the episode â€Å"Imaginationland† in season 11. This particular show was defined with the terrorist attacks of 9/11 that began to take over the popular media. The oppositional culture is one which define d the terrorist attacks as non – existent. The opposition was based on the continuous statement by the main characters of the â€Å"terrorists taking over the imagination† of those that were a part of the area. This moved into a red alert with the fear that was shown by the government of the terrorists taking over all of imagination land with no recovery. The show leads into not only oppositional statements about the terrorist attacks, but shows the clips as controversial because of the absurd which is used, such as seen in figure 1. Figure 1: Imaginationland The opposition which is created is based on rejection of the theories and media of terrorism. This is combined with the discourse and rhetoric which rejects the political and cultural theories about terrorism

Thursday, July 25, 2019

CA Proposition 209 -Affirmative Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CA Proposition 209 -Affirmative Action - Essay Example Following the 1995 Supreme Court verdict controlled granting of contracts on the basis of gender and race, Clinton promised to ‘mend not end’ affirmative action. The Clinton government, in May 1995, disclosed a new strategy of granting government contracts (Frankel 435). The strategy ends ethnic/racial preferences in areas where the underprivileged are common, though, maintains them in areas where discrimination continues. Marginalized groups and other economically deprived business owners comprise of 6.6 percent of all central government’s contracts for both goods and services. Seemingly not contended with Clinton’s suggestion, House Republicans formulated a more extensive bill to prohibit preferences in the entire federal contracts and hiring. The bill, inaugurated by discontented Democrats as the 1997 Equal Opportunity Repeal Act, endorsed the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitutional matters in July. The debate on affirmative action took center sta ge when the President promised to make advanced relationships between races/ethnic groups a top precedence in his second rule. The Prop 209’s opponents filed a claim in 2010 in the federal court to challenge the requirements of Prop 209 by permitting the University of California to apply Affirmative Action principles in its admissions assessments, as it was applied before the endorsement of Proposition 209 in 1996. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit voted to support Proposition 209 on April 2, 2012. The similar federal appeals courts had earlier upheld the Prop 209. The claim that resulted into the April 2012 verdict had asserted that a new decision was needed by new proof demonstrating that in the years following the endorsement of Proposition 209, underprivileged admissions to California’s most esteemed universities declined. In the wake of the approval of Proposition 209, debate persisted in the interest of or necessity for affirm ative action at the colleges in California. As lately as 2010, Joe R. Hicks and David A. Lehrer who sustained Prop 209 in 1996, contended that statistics regarding racial composition of admissions at the University of California illustrated that partisan admissions actions were not essential to bring about multiplicity (Laird 133)). Whereas it is somewhat early to evaluate the long-standing impacts on women of stopping California’s affirmative action, various predictions can be drawn. Post-secondary learning chances will possibly undergo the minimal effect; women are attending schools and graduating from colleges in huge numbers compared to their male counterparts. However, the women who are poised to suffer from this gender and race predilections are the African Americans and Latino women; because of much of institutional remains of a race other than gender discrimination. The subject of affirmative action has been vastly discordant; opponents of this proposition hold the no ble-sounding oratory of color-blindness and uphold that it is incorrect for an individual to miss out on something important exclusively because of one’s race/ethnicity.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Physiology of Swimming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Physiology of Swimming - Essay Example Japanese people had a big swim crave. In the Pacific area, swimming was taught to children at a very young age. So young that the minute they could walk they were put in to water to swim. Swimming was and still is a big part of training to boxers for fights. The important reason why humans can swim without falling to the bottom is because of surface area. If a regular sheet of paper and a crumpled one are dropped from a height at the same time, the one which is crumpled falls faster than the one that is regular. This is because of the surface area - the surface area of the sheet of paper is larger than the crumpled one, which makes it fall slower. The same concept applies to humans and water. Humans have a large surface area to their mass. This is why humans can stay afloat and swim. The more the surface area, the more water there is directly underneath the person swimming. The water underneath tends to keep the body up. (Lupton, 1923, 68) This is the same concept why huge aircraft carriers on the sea can stay afloat, even though they are very heavy and are a lot denser than the water. These ships and aircraft carriers are also very huge, and their size gives them a lot of surface area for the water to push them up. The Front crawl is generally considered the fastest swimming style. It is also known as Freestyle. It has been observed that most amateur swimmers utilize this stroke in freestyle competitions. The preliminary pose for the front crawl style in swimming is on the breast, with both arms extended out in frontage and both legs stretched to the backside. Then while one arm is dragging/ approaching while the other arm is in the posture of recovering. The arm strokes offer most of the frontward movement, whereas the leg kicking in a quivering movement only offers some. The stroke utilizes the flutter kick and an above the water arm recovery .in this position, the hand draws down the pretending middle line of the body, seizes the water, and thrusts it back towards the feet. The most useful force is producing during the last segment of the stroke that is called the finish. The face remains in the water while the water levels at about the swimmer's hairline. The flutter kick initiates from the hip. A calm ankle and foot are essential to have a successful kick. The knees curve lightly, but curving them in extensive frequency will guide to over kicking as well as to fatigue. The swimmer is supposed to respire by gently sloping the head to the direction as the equation of arm on the breathing side becomes one-half to three- quarters of the channel through the stroke. The breathing should not disrupt the stroke. A breathe, during this exercise, should be taken every two three, or even four strokes to make certain ample oxygen delivery. The Front Crawl is one of the extensively used strokes in the United States, and is frequently the choice for fitness swimmers. Elementary Backstroke The Elementary Backstroke is supposed a quiescent stroke since it has a glide point and is a small energy stroke. The revitalization phase is completed under the water. The kick which is carried out in this respect is the Whip kick. The

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

General Field Marshell Erwin Rommel the true leader of Men Term Paper

General Field Marshell Erwin Rommel the true leader of Men - Term Paper Example The purpose of this paper is to discuss his accomplishments and to also analyze his extraordinary leadership abilities, display of chivalry and gallantry towards his opponents, his soldier’s code and faith as an underlying theme of the paper. World War I: The period of World War I saw Rommel fight in Italy, Romania and France for the majority of the war in Alpenkorps, an elite Wurttemberg Mountain Battalion. His service proved to be highly successful throughout and this success was recognized and praised when he was awarded Iron Cross, Second Class and Iron Cross, First Class in 1914 and 1915, respectively. He was further decorated with the highest German honor, the order of Pour le Merite in 1918. His efficient and quick decision-making, display of bravery and ability to reap benefit out of the weaknesses of the enemy led to the capture of Mount Matajur and a vast number of Italian Defenders, in return of a fairly small loss for Rommel’s men which was an achievement in itself and could be attributed to his skills as a military commander and a strategic thinker. The First World War was only the beginning for Rommel’s extraordinary accomplishments and emergence as a chivalrous military leader, for his direction in World War II was even more resolute. In the period leading up to the Second World War, Rommel served at Dresden Infantry School as an instructor, it is during this time from 1929 to 1933 that he penned down â€Å"Gefechts-Aufgaben fur Zug und Kompanie  : Ein Handbuch fur den Offizierunterricht", an instruction manual for officers involved in infantry training, which reflected Rommel’s prowess as a leader who believed that military achievements depended greatly upon the skill and training of the armed forces. Rommel is also credited with writing "Infanterie greift an" a book which documented his military observations throughout World War I and was highly regarded as a source of guidance for the army. Certainly, Rommel was one of the few leaders who firmly held the conviction in the ideology that military strategy and tactitical decision-making was of great and undeniable importance for the success of any campaign. World War II: This part of the paper will document Erwin Rommel’s accomplishments through the period of the Second World War, analyzing the leadership style and characteristics that can be attributed to his accomplishments as well his conduct which has enabled Lewin amongst many other commentators to label him as a highly professional and humane officer. Rommel commanded the Fuhrerbegleithauptquartier  (Fuhrer escort headquarters) in the 1939 invasion of Poland until its defeat, in the following year Rommel voiced concern that his current position in the guard detail was not allowing him to fully exploit his abilities. Upon his request to Hitler to hand him charge of a panzer division, Rommel was handed over the control of the 7th Panzer Division on 6th February, 1940, three months later the planned invasion of France would occur. The reason why Rommel was suited to lead a panzer division was because of two factors which were central to his own approach towards leadership and fighting against the enemy – surprise and maneuver. Under his leadership, the 7th Panzer Division systematically practiced the methods that were integral to advancement in the campaign, the triumph of the 7th Panzer

Media hollywood Essay Example for Free

Media hollywood Essay The media, and Hollywood in particular, represent one avenue in which the general public becomes familiar with the role of nurses. How does the media positively or negatively influence the public’s image of nursing? What other avenues may better educate the general public on the role and scope of nursing as well as the changing health care system? In Media, the portraying of nurses vary inaccurately in front of the viewing audience. The dominant image of nurse has always remained stereotype to majority of the viewers. In television nurses are tend to be just helpers of the physician in hospital but in actual life and situation its totally different. In TV serial named Grey anatomy and house it is represented that nurse are helpless , incompetent and physician are given a heroic image as representing triage medicine administration , providing psychosocial support , but in real world , it’s the nurse who do the above stated factor. However the grey anatomy doesn’t mention anything about it , its nurse a who has a prime role in giving a total patient care and to be with patient 24 * 7 The medical media drama has always shown physician as a dominant , at top notch equivalent to god and saving life of patient and nurses are relatively low skilled and differential to physician. As nurse are set to be feminine extremes as categortrized into naughty nurse and in thoughtful words of X description. But in contrary its reverse and nurse are seen autonomous in decision making for nurses expertise in medicine, public health and advance research. Experts have an understanding that media just undermine nursing profession and do not focus in health development issues and action in relation to it. As only government and university conceptualize it in last. In today highly equipped media world, nursing focus many issue like staff shortage, poor working condition, low pay in high responsibility environment and many more which is not visualized. The factors has totally undervalued nurses looking at them as uneducated.

Monday, July 22, 2019

How useful are sources A to C Essay Example for Free

How useful are sources A to C Essay In this essay I will assess the usefulness of sources A to C in determining the reasoning for American involvement in the Vietnamese war. Source A is reasonably useful in shoeing how the U. S government wanted the general public to view them and their reasoning for the countrys actions in Vietnam. Although source A does not state to whom the speaker (President Linden Johnson) is addressing this information. However, the mere fact that it is Johnson speaking, influences the reader to assume that it an audience of the general public that he is talking to. The time upon which he gave this speech is also very significant, as it was April 1965, one month after major bombing operation Rolling Thunder. This made the speech more significant as president Johnson was attempting to explain and justify the reasoning behind the major attacks that were taking place. In the first sentence of source A Johnson states, We fight in Vietnam because we have a promise to keep. He is about two different promises, the first being the Truman doctrine which states that America will give aid to any counties suffering from the threat of communism. This was set up to contain communism and prevent the domino theory, which was the theory that if one country were fall under the power of communism each neighbouring country would follow. Johnson again refers to the domino theory when he says The battle would be renewed one country and then another. The second promise that Johnson was referring to in his speech was an unwritten promise that he had to personally keep. And that was maintaining some of the traditional policies of previous American presidents, specifically over the war in Vietnam and the containment of communism. Also at the end of source A, Johnson quotes from the bible saying, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further This was probably used because many American citizens were very religious at this period in time; therefore people to relate to it. Also the quote links the actions of America with Christianity, which would influence people into thinking what was taking place was right and true. Source B is also reasonably useful as it shows Johnsons real opinion on Americas involvement in Vietnam. From the first line the opinions are noticeably different from that which he expressed in source A. This is probably because source B is taken from a private conversation. The first line of source b brings his true feelings into the light as he says I dont think the of the country know much about Vietnam, and I think we care a hell of a lot less. This and other statements such as I dont think its worth fighting for. And I dont think we can get out, show that in may 1964 president Johnson was clearly against the war. Yet by the time of source A (approximately one year later) Johnson had ordered a mass surgical bombing of North Vietnam, named Operation Rolling Thunder. Therefore by this point Johnson had either drastically altered his views on the war or had succumbed to the pressure of knowing how horrifically tainted the images of himself and his party would become if he ordered a mass withdrawal from Vietnam. It is safe to assume that the latter is correct, as Johnson talks about this pressure in source B saying Theyd bring a president down if he ran out wouldnt they? This refers back to the reaction of the public and other politicians, which most likely be accusations of indecision towards his party (Democratic) on matters such as the involvement in Vietnam and the general Containment of communism. He would quite probably be labelled a traitor or a communist for backing out of the war and not sticking to the policies of the Truman Doctrine. Near the end of source B Johnson speaks of his fear of communism as he says Of course if you start running from the communists, they might chase you into your own kitchen. This is again referring to the Domino Theory that if one country falls to communism each in turn will follow. All of this shows the predicament that Johnson was in. That if he retreated he would be accused of backing communism, but if he chose to stay it would become Just the biggest God damn mess. Although the opinions change through sources A and B, source C is entirely different. It was written by Professor Noam Chomsky, a political critic and a leading anti-war figure during Americas involvement in Vietnam. The source was taken from an interview with Chomsky in 1982. Therefore he has the benefit of hindsight that aids him to analyse and criticise the attitudes and actions of the American government during the Vietnamese war. In source C Chomsky says Every book that comes out talks about how the United States was defending South Vietnam. And that this is now the Official truth. This is saying that although it is not a written law, but it is still widely considered that America was protecting South Vietnam from the Norths aggression. Chomsky disagrees with this saying The United States did attack South Vietnam. It destroyed the farming, the peasant society. This is commenting on the use of chemical weapons such as Agent Orange and Napalm, and tactical warfare such as Blanket and Surgical bombing. All these things contributed to the mass destruction of the South Vietnamese farms and forestation. This happened in Americas desperation to locate the rebel militia the Vietcong, and stop the use of guerrilla tactics against largely unaware U. S troops. However in attempting this the U. S forces damaged much of the Vietnamese agricultural lifestyle. And on occasion, American soldiers in frustration in their inability to locate the Vietcong would burn down whole villages at the nearest suspicion that they were helping the Vietcong. Later in source C Chomsky talks of how The U. S did not want and independent Vietnam He is saying that America did not want to allow Vietnam to decide their own future, and they did not want Vietnam to slip out of their strong Capitalist grip or orbit. To conclude, I believe that source A is the most useful in showing the reasons for U. S involvement. As it show all the pressures Johnson was under. The pressure to keep promises and the pressure to contain communism and prevent the domino theory, But most of all it shows the lie that he was forced to tell the public simply because it was what they wanted to hear.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Congestive Cardiac Failure: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Congestive Cardiac Failure: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment James Rowe Assessment 2 Mr Wrights admission states that he has heart failure (Congestive Cardiac Failure). Clearly define heart failure. What organs and which body systems are affected by this disorder? CCF is a condition in which the heart doesn’t pump as it should and therefore has an impaired cardiac output. Causes include MI, ischaemic heart disease and cardiomyopathy. Mainly includes heart and lungs due to fluid back up from the left ventricle. However can cause problems throughout the body. (Harris and Nagy et al., 2009) Give a brief overview of the normal function of the body systems affected by this disorder. Digestive à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Aids in the absorption of nutrition. When a person suffers CCF an impaired blood supply is received by the digestive system meaning nutrition imbalance is possible. Also constipation. Circulatory à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   When someone suffers from CCF fluid back up in the ventricle can cause circulation problems. Also the fact that the heart is not pumping as effectively as it should means a poor circulatory system. Repertory à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Fluid back up in the lungs can cause respetory problems. Making it difficult to breath. Also the fluid in the lungs causes impaired gas exchange meaning poor oxygenation of the blood. Renal à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   The renal system is affected because the limited blood supply and poor blood pressure (Before vasoconstriction) mean that there is a poor urine output. This fluid that is normally eliminated from the body builds up as oedema in the limbs. (Hopkins and Cavaiuolo et al., 2008) Define signs and symptoms of heart failure and explain why these signs and symptoms occur. SOB (Dyspnoea) Fluid back up in lungs causing impaired gas exchange Persistent cough/Wheezing (Cough with white or pink sputum) – Due to fluid build up in lungs. Oedema (Back up of fluid) (Legs if right sided/Lung if Left sided) Tiredness/Fatigue (Blood diverted to core so weakness in peripheries caused) Lack of appetite/Nausea (Due to altered blood supply to liver and digestive system) Confusion/Impaired thinking (Lack of oxygenated blood being pumped effectively) Increased heart rate (Heart trying to compensate for low blood flow) Irregular heart beat (, 2014) Reduced ability to exercise (Due to dyspnoea) Increase need to urinate at night Swelling of the abdomen Hypertension (Blood vessel constrict to increase the BP to increase oxygenation around the body) Chest pain (If caused by heart attack) (, 2014) Orthopnoea (SOB when lying flat) Caused because the heart can’t cope with the excess blood returning to the heart Cardiomegaly – Increased size of the heart muscle due to the compensation of working harder List the information taken on his admission that demonstrates these signs and symptoms. A low SPO ² reading This is because of the decrease of oxygen in the blood. Possibly due to fluid back up in the lungs that is creating impaired gas exchange in the alveoli. Cyanotic – Due to the decrease in oxygen in the blood stream this would make Pt slightly cyanotic Slight confusion – Due to impaired gas exchange there could possibly be a build up of Carbon Dioxide in the blood that would lead to slight confusion in the Pt. Low BP – This could be due to the fact the blood vessels have not yet constricted to increase blood pressure (Blood pressure increase when CCF occurs to increase oxygenation around the body) High pulse The heart is trying to compensate for the low oxygen in the body and is also compensating for the fluid being left in the ventricles. This means it beats faster to try and increase the rate in which the blood travels around the body. Do you think his diabetes is related to his left ulcer and amputated left toe? Explain. The left ulcer may be due to poorly managed diabetes causing neuropathy. This is where the nerve is damaged. People with diabetes have a greatly increased risk of developing neuropathy in the lower extremities. Making the Pt unaware of any trauma or damage to the foot, also because the foot has very little sensation it is often neglected causing ulcers to occur due to the break down in the tissue. (, 2014) Diabetes affects blood supply to the extrematies of the body. This results in the lower portion of the body being deprived of oxygen. In some cases the circulation becomes so bad that the limbs become necrotic and need amputation. Often the first sign of a circulation problem is with the toes. This could be a contributing factor to why the Pt needed a toe amputation. (Netdoctor, 2014) Another possible reason as to why the Pt needed an amputation is because of the high level of uric acid in the blood. Due to the poor circulation the body often does not get blood through the kidneys before a high level of metabolic waste has built up in the blood. This means that high concentration levels of these metabolic waste build up in blood. One of the main metabolic waste is uric acid. This builds up in the blood and crystallises. This then travels to the lowest part of the body. Due to gravity. Often building up in the toes leaving it ischaemic. (, 2014) One of the medication he is taking is Lasix. What is the action of Lasix? Which body systems are affected by it? Explain why you think Mr Wright is ordered Lasix. (Your answer need only be brief) Lasix (Frusemide) is a drug that helps for fluid and electrolyte balance. The action of Lasix is that it inhibits reabsorption at the loop of Henle in the kidney. This is so that the body is not absorbing the fluid passing through the loop of Henle. The reason why Mr Wright would be ordered an anti-diuretic drug is to prevent his body from absorbing water and thus removing the risk that he will develop an oedema in his legs. (Mckenna, 2010) List three conditions in Mr Wrights medical history that are commonly associated with age. Glaucoma – This is an increased pressure in the optic that can limit blood flow. Therefore the reduced blood flow causes degeneration and vision loss. The pressure also effects the optic nerve so messages from the eye to the brain become impaired. The condition is rare in younger people, but is associated with aging. (Harris and Nagy et al., 2009) Arthritis – Arthritis is an umbrella term used to describe over 100 types of an illness. Arthritis affects the musclo-skeletal system at the point where two joints meet. Symptoms include pain, stiffness and in some cases inflammation. (, 2014) Constipated – This could be related to the CCF and the body keeping blood supply to the main organs and therefore being a decreased amount of blood going to the digestive tract causing constipation. Using Mr Wrights admission history and assessment, list the factors that may impact his safety whilst in hospital and when he returns home. Confusion Poor Mobility Loss of appetite Poor vision Condition of leg ulcer (On return home) What other health professionals will be involved in his care and what service can they provide for Mr Wright. OT à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Could asses Mr Wright in his mobility and offer him more support than his stick may offer. Such as a 4WW. Social Service à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Could asses Mr Wrights home to see if he needs any more home aids. Could also link Mr Wright into local community through community centres. Asthma Nurse à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Would be used to educate Mr Wright with his asthma condition. Could teach him possible early warning signs of asthma so he knows the early warning signs. Diabetic Nurse à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Education for his diabetes. Could teach Mr Wright ways of managing his diabetic state. Dietician à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Could come up with a diabetic diet plan for Mr Wright therefore reducing the amount of self medication Mr Wright has to do. Cardiologist à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Monitor condition of CCF. List the nursing documentation that you would expect to be used in the care of MR Wright. FBC (Fluid balance chart) à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   For the oedema R/T CCF OBS chart à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Monitor oxygen levels, pulse and resp rate R/T CCF Limb Obs à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Monitor blood flow to lower limbs below the point of trauma to check for blood supply. Medication chart à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Monitor what medication Mr Wright is on R/T CCF and Diabetes. References 2014. What is arthritis. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. 2014. Diabetes and Amputation. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. Harris, P., Nagy, S. and Vardaxis, N. J. 2009. Mosbys dictionary of medicine, nursing and health professions. Chatswood, N.S.W.: Elsevier Australia. Hopkins, S., Cavaiuolo, J. and Gotting, M. 2008. Diploma of nursing. Adelaide, S. Aust.: DFEEST. 2014. Heart failure Symptoms Diseases and Conditions Mayo Clinic. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Apr 2014]. Mckenna, L. 2010. Australia New Zealand nursing midwifery drug handbook. Broadway, N.S.W.: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Netdoctor. 2014. Amputation of the toe. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. 2014. DIABETIC FOOT PAIN. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. 2014. Diabetes and Gout . . . twins? Where you find one, you see the other?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. 2014. Heart Failure Signs and Symptoms | Conditions Treatments | UCSF Medical Center. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Apr 2014].

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dances with wolves :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The movie Dances with wolves is a movie that depicted the Indians in an unstereotypical way. Everybody in this time thought of the Indians as thieves, beggars, and savages. They took over other people’s land and killed the buffalo. I know that a lot of people have misunderstood, mistreated, or misjudged someone in their lifetime. All people are worthy of respect, you cannot just judge by first instinct or by what others say. Americans back then were small minded, revengeful, prejudiced, and swayed by rumor very easily.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone in the world has to make a first impression on something new, sometimes it is a bad impression and they assume that you are always like that or that’s how you view everything. Whether you make a good impression or bad impression everyone is worthy of respect. You can’t just hate somebody just because how they act, and this is exactly what the Americans did. Many people have thought of someone in a certain way including myself, after you make those actions you look back and really think about it and how you had no right to do whatever you did. September 11th had a huge impact on the Middle Eastern people, I know that I had view on Arabs that were not right, just because a select few people did the wrong thing, doesn’t mean that everyone their culture is one of them. Another thing is gay marriages, I really do not think that they are right and gays are just stupid, but everyone has their right to do what they want and I think that is ho w it should be even though it’s not supported by many people. Stereotyping is the one of the worst traits that Americans possess. In the movie John Dunbar was almost the near opposite of the average person back then. He took the time to understand what these Indians were really like. It turns out that they were extremely friendly and very helpful. The average American would kill John Dunbar for being a traitor even though he was one of them. Nobody takes the time to take in what people have to say over a period of time, they jump to conclusions. If everyone in the world acted as John Dunbar did the world would be such a better place. People keep talking about the bad of someone more than the good and that is all that spreads throughout the country.

An Evaluation Of Nullsoft Winamp :: essays research papers

Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high fidelity music player for Windows 95/98/NT. Winamp supports MP3, MP2, CD, MOD, WAV and other audio formats. Winamp also supports custom interfaces called skins, audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins. Nullsoft also provides a high quality website at The Winamp homepage provides support, information, software downloads, and music downloads for Nullsoft’s music products. Winamp is a high quality music player for your personal computer. The first thing to look for when considering a program to play music on your computer is sound quality. Nullsoft Winamp has the ability to play CD quality sound from MP3, MP2, CD, MOD, WAV and other audio formats. Winamp has a ten band graphic equalizer and built-in pre-amplifier that allows the user greater control over sound quality even before the music passes through a sound card or speakers. If you are not comfortable with changing the equalizer settings yourself, Winamp has hundreds of preset settings which are categorized by music type. Examples of this include Jazz, Rock, Reggae, and many more. Winamp users even have the ability to create and save song-specific pre-amplifier and equalizer settings. Another important factor in choosing a music program for your computer is customizable features. Winamp meets this criterion well. The ability to customize your music player makes the program easier to use. The user has the ability to make a â€Å"Play list† from the music files that are stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer. Play lists are easy to load and are not difficult to create. The Nullsoft Winamp website has a Plugin and Skin collection available for downloads to further customize your copy of Winamp. There are hundreds of different plugins and skins to choose from. Plugins for Winamp range from audio visualization oscilloscopes to audio effects like distortion and surround sound. Skin categories range from different colors to cartoons and artwork. Technically advanced users can even create their own skins. Customer service and technical support services are important with any product, especially when a user is unfamiliar with the product. The Winamp program can be difficult to learn and use without some instruction. However, Nullsoft Winamp provides a stable and easy to navigate website that includes many helpful services. Customer service and technical support are available through chat and via email from the Winamp homepage. Customers have the ability to read step-by-step instructions on how to use Winamp and all of its custom features by clicking on easy to see links.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jealousy in Ancient Greek Society :: Greek History Studies

Jealousy in Ancient Greek Society Jealousy is one of the harsher and more passionate faces of Love in Ancient Greek Society. Societal norms for love and relationships dictate that older men are the lovers who pursue women and young boys. Love infects the pursuer and causes him to have intense feelings about the object of his desire, but not always vice versa. Consequently jealousy is seen more as the active partner’s disease and is commonly associated as a male emotion. Women also experience jealousy but they are not supposed to be the pursuers in relationships according to societal norms. Since society only excuses the pursuer in the relationship acting on jealous impulses, a women doing so was improper because she was not supposed to be the active partner in the relationship. Hence jealousy was much more widely accepted as a ‘man’s’ disease. By examining the views of society in The Women of Trachis and the Legal Text VIII, Wounding with Intent to Kill: Quarrel over a boy, on love as a sickness, controlling jealousy, and how to win back a lost love, we can conclude that Love’s face of jealousy in Ancient Greek society appears to only be accepted as a predominately male emotion. Society excuses many of men’s jealous and irrational actions because of the widely held belief that Love effects men like a sickness. In The Women of Trachis, Deianira continually excuses her husbands actions, blaming his outrageous deeds on him being poisoned by Love. When Heracles attacked a city so that he could win his mistress, Deianira blames Love for rousing him to such violence. She thinks that it is "love alone which bewitched him into this violence"(355). She has also justified all his past affairs with this same theory. Deianira mentions that Heracles "is sick as he so often is with this same sickness"(543) of love. Society has allowed men to use Love as an excuse for their outrageous actions as well as the legitimate reasoning behind their deeds. Deianira also expresses society's view on Love’s power when she says, "For [Love] rules even the gods as he pleases"(443).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Criminal Law VS Civil Law

A tort actions is a form of civil law, which are intentional tort, torts of negligence, and strict liability torts, the vast majority of legal issues in the United State involve this, such as divorce, child custody, child support, domestic dispute, consumer problems, defamation, and injuries due to a person by another person. You can fine a civil lawsuit yourself or have an attorney do it for you, in this case you become the plaintiff and the other person will be the defendant. In most situations a civil lawsuit is filed for the purpose of momentary compensation for damages or some other form of noncriminal relief.Criminal Actions Criminal law deal with crimes against society, such as murder, theft, assault, abuse, arson, and embezzlement. You can't initiate a criminal lawsuit yourself, only a federal or state prosecutor can. Defendant found guilty in criminal cases face fines, public service, prison sentences, or possibly death; it does depend on crime and the state where the trail takes place. For example, â€Å"State v. Hudson is a hypothetical criminal case where the state brings criminal charges against Hudson. Jones v. Hudson is hypothetical civil cases in which the party named Jones sues the party named Hudson.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"( David L Hudson Jr. , 2010, p. 143)Similarities All though criminal and civil suits have many differences they have few similarities. Both suits involve a judicial officer of the state sitting in judgment, they also require the person moving the court for an order (the prosecutor in criminal and the plaintiff in civil cases) to prove to the relevant standard of proof nor, do they permit leading questions when examining one's own called witness and permit leading questions when examining the other side's witness. They proceed by hearing each party on each point as to evidence and law and ending with an order of the court.Differences Civil law cases are governed by the rules of civil procedure, while criminal law cases are governed by ru les of the criminal procedure. Criminal law suits are made on behalf of the state or government, the purpose of which is to punish individuals who comment crimes. Tort law serves private parties, their intent is to distribute compensation to the wronged party. The other major difference between them is the burden of proof. Burden of Proof In civil lawsuit, the standard of proof is either proof by clear and convincing evidence known as preponderance.A preponderance of the evidence simply means that one side has more evidence in its favor than the other. However, in a criminal lawsuit clear and convening proof is the standard burden of proof it is known as beyond a reasonable doubt. This evidence must establish a high probability that the fact presented can be proven true. The main reason that the proof standard of reasonable doubt is used in criminal trials is that such proceedings can result in more severe consequences such as the deprivation of a defendant's liberty or even in his or her death.These outcomes are far more severe than in civil trials, in which momentary damages are the common end result. The major difference in the two burdens of proof is that in a criminal suit the evidence must allow no other logical explanation to be derived from the facts presented except that the defendant committed the crime, thus overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty. In a criminal cases one piece of overwhelming evidence can turn a case around no matter the others amount of evidence, while in a civil case either side can present a large amount of evidence and the one with the most evidence wins the case.Outcome In certain cases you can be charged for criminal and civil charges, if you injure someone intentionally you can be charged with criminal assault and battery by the state or local government and the victim can also sue you for damages in court in a tort action. For example in the case of O. J Simpson. He was tried at first for mu rdering is his wife and her friend and he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. The family decided to suit him for compensation and won the cases. The Outcome if O. J. would have lost the criminal cases could have been anywhere from 25 years to life or the death penalty.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

With whom does responsibility for the Holocaust ultimately lie?

The Holocaust was a shameful exhibit of the exploitation of provide to cause great(p) pain and suffering to some(prenominal). An operation of that order could non cause been controlled and implemented by one individual. thither are objet darty discontinueies which were concern with Ger galore(postnominal) and need to be considered when ascertain where ultimate responsibility lies. Hitler did as beforehand(predicate) as 1935 make his feelings ab go forth the Judaic race clear by reservation his anti-Semitism valet de chambres policy in the Nuremburg Race laws.But aside from in Mein Kampf, Hitler do little indication until the pass away minute that he had given cheers for the extermination syllabus, ( even Mein Kampf is not that reliable, because it was pen by a young man imprisoned for his beliefs, and he was bound to overdraw to get his message across and to send away sales profits ). He expects to remove kept out of the true mean and implementation of the killing process, leaving that in the a great deal than capable hands of the national socialist officials, including Himmler, Frank and Heydrich.Many of the ideas such as Ghettos and book transportation were left under their control, for them to act on their own innitiative. Although he was seen by the public as heavy regard with politics and decision do for Ger umpteen, it has since been revealed that Hitler spent a large part of his day relaxing at home, and was ofttimes happy to sign papers after only a brief glance. afterwards the virulence shown in Operation Barbarossa towards the Russian Jews, Hitler in speeches attempt to convince the public that a good solution had been ensnare to the jewish problem and should be continued end-to-end the rest of Europe, hiding the intensity of the pile genocide going on in the coun exertion next door to them. He also reffered to the transits as resettlements for appropriate cranch duties, which made the class seem more civilised. Amongst the national socialist leaders, talk was rarely outright about the actual business of the net solution agenda, reffering as Hitler did to program as of legalised removal and resettlement.But it was account at the trial of Eichmann in 1960 that deep down private meetings the talk was of killing, elimination and closure. Obviously the top officials like Himmler and Heydrich didnt necessity to give the public the impression that they were intently malicious, only when it is clear that they did not have reservations about ordering the police, Wehrmacht and S. S. to carry out thither instructions. Himmler was able to directly comit the 800 000 self-coloured S. S. to the tasks of operating the ending camps, and so involve no other authority.Most of them believed that they were egressive doing their duty for Ger many an(prenominal) and could contently do their tasks without moral objections. different leaders like Goebbels were passionately antisemitic and outright a bout it, but Goebbels with solely of his propaganda experience probably conveyed it tactfully. At the Nuremburg trials, many leaders tried to claim ignorance of the program however preposterous that may seem after looking at the evidence, but there is little actual certainty of their actions, so there is not much firm indication to support the claims of their responsibility.The before T-4 ( euthanasia program ) had been in effect a development program for the inquisition for efficient means of large and processed killings. Some officials such as Bouhler and Brack had been by and large involved with T-4 and were able to pass on their extensive knowledge, and implement it in death camps like Treblinka and Belzec. T-4 also demonstrated that mass killings could be carried out by average individuals without hesitation.Having said this, it would be eminently sternly to prove that anyone involved with T-4 could have cognise that their methods would be used to wipeout a race, a proc ess significantly larger and more important (to them) than what they were originally doing. The German army and police were undoubtedly involved to some extent in the program because of the logistics of the operation, but it would be unfair to try to blame them entirely for what they were doing. Some tried to keep a clear conscience by thinking of their victims as not men but monkeys in human form.But on the whole they were just following their orders and doing their jobs. A the great unwashed of the German people had, before Hitler came to powerfulness in 1933, been Anti-Semitic in variable degrees. Hitler only had to play on their feelings, make his policies reflect what the people wanted to hear. lofty ranking people, in the civil service, soldiery and churches, were among the Anti-Semitic thinkers. Prostestants in Germany had for a pine time been Anti-Semitic since the time of Martin Luther and the reformation in Europe.Some policies were frowned upon and met limited opposition, the Catholic church against euthanasia for example, but the actual Holocaust was affected very little by public protest. The public were often made aware of what was happening to the Jews by associate radio broadcasts, leaflet drops and stories brought home by soldiers who had been on the Russian front. But to many these were just rumours and not taken seriously. Everyone involved with the holocaust was each partly to blame. Hitler was the brainish force behind most Nazi policies, but not many were his own.He was blamed by the German people, to get out their own responsibility. Himmler and Heydrich came up with and implemented many plans themselves, and were valuable to Hitler to keep his regime going. There was not enough opposition to to begin with programs such as T-4 to stem the military group then, and it spiralled out of control. General public opinion, and even whole national organisations opinions, were too head established in their dislike of Jews to be ch anged even by mass violence. If it had been changed against Hitlers regime, there would not have been sufficient power to do what the regime achieved.

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System Essay

Not all knowledge management demands technology.A Human Capital Management Solution, Human financial Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), as it is commonly called is the crossing of HR systems and processes with information technology.The wave of technological advancement has revolutionized each logical and every space of life today, and HR in its entirety was not lower left untouched by it. What started off with a simple software to help improve the payroll parallel processing of an organization, or a software to track the employee work timings has grown to become the Human Resources systems that helps improve the process efficiency, reduces the cost and first time spent on mundane tasks and at the same time improved the overall experience of the employees and the HR professionals. In short, as the role of Human Resources function evolved, HR technology systems consider also changed the role they were playing.Quantifying the performanc e of employees against goals it regarded as proactively managing the performance of employees and enhancing the normal operation of the organisation.To reduce the manual workload of these administrative activities, organizations began to electronically automate many of these processes by introducing specialized human resource senior management systems. HR executives rely on internal or external IT professionals to develop and maintain an integrated HRMS. Before client–server architectures evolved in the late 1980s, many HR automation processes were relegated to  mainframe computers that could handle first large amounts of data transactions.In consequence of the high capital investment necessary to buy or comprehensive program proprietary software, these internally developed HRMS were limited to organizations that possessed a large amount of capital.

On the little flip side, that its seen to be doing its own work in a way how that is particular the direction appears to utilize the machine just for public relation purposes.Performance appraisal4. Benefits administration5. HR management more information system6. Recruiting/Learning management7.Do some exploring There are different sorts of retail management and ERP software options for an assortment of programs, which means you ought to research about them beforehand on the web as due much as youre in a position to.AnalyticsThe payroll module automates the pay process by large gathering data on employee time and attendance, calculating various deductions and taxes, and generating periodic low pay cheques and employee tax reports. Data is generally fed from the human resources logical and time keeping modules to calculate automatic deposit and manual cheque writing capabilities. This module can encompass all employee-related transactions as well as integrate with existing fin ancial management systems. The time and attendance module gathers standardized time and work related efforts.

A company includes.The HR management module is a component covering many other HR aspects from application to retirement. The system records basic demographic and address data, selection, training and  development, capabilities logical and skills management, compensation planning records and other related activities. Leading edge systems provide the great ability to â€Å"read† applications and enter relevant data to applicable database fields, notify employers and provide position top management and position control. Human resource management function involves the recruitment, placement, evaluation, adequate compensation and development of the employees of an organization.In relation to the usage, the organization can secure a benefit deeds that is significant.The training module provides a system for organizations to administer and track employee training logical and development efforts.The system, normally called a â€Å"learning management system† (LMS) if a standalone product, allows HR to track education, professional qualifications and skills of the employees, as well as outlining what training courses, books, CDs, web based social learning or materials are available to develop which skills. Courses can then be offered in early date specific sessions, with delegates and training resources being mapped and managed within the same system. Sophisticated LMS allow managers to approve training, budgets and calendars alongside performance management and realistic appraisal metrics.

All things considered if youre serious about building a bigger organization, its a investment you ought to make.requests from their subordinates through the system without overloading the task on HR department.Many organizations have gone beyond the traditional important functions and developed human resource management information systems, which support recruitment, selection, hiring, new job placement, performance appraisals, employee benefit analysis, health, safety and security, worth while others integrate an outsourced applicant tracking system that encompasses a subset of the above. Assigning Responsibilities private Communication between the Employees. The Analytics module enables organizations to extend the value of an HRMS implementation by extracting HR related data for use with other business intelligence platforms.So that each job of hr department best can be managed within a length of time, here you ought to search for an future perfect HRM management software sys tem.In this sense, retention becomes the strategies rather than the outcome. A distinction should be drawn between low performing employees and top performers, and efforts to retain employees should be targeted at valuable, contributing employees. Employee turnover is a symptom of a deeper issue that has not been resolved. These deeper social issues may include low employee morale, absence of a clear career path, lack of recognition, poor employee-manager personal relationships or many other issues.

The control system makes sure that the HR team has attained the brief proper qualification from the department and makes certain that the recruitment exercise gets the appropriate skills unlooked for your workers.However, this isn’t always the case. Employers can seek â€Å"positive turnover† whereby they aim to maintain only those employees who they consider to be high performers.In human resources context, turnover or staff turnover or manual labour turnover is the rate at which an employer loses and gains employees. Simple ways to describe it are â€Å"how long employees tend to stay† or â€Å"the rate of traffic through the revolving door†.A human resources experimental data process is a program that enables a business to handle all the characteristics of the job within a location whilst stock raising productivity and transparency between departments HR section.Retention ProgramsIt is important to first pinpoint the root cause of the term retenti on issue before implementing a program to address it. Once identified, a program can be tailored to meet the unique needs of the organization. A variety of programs exist to help increase employee retention. Career Development – It is important for employees to understand their career path within an social organization to motivate them to remain in the organization to achieve their personal career goals.

how There are two forms of totally free HR app.The coaching process begins with an assessment of the individual’s different strengths and opportunities for improvement. The issues are then prioritized and  interventions are delivered to target public key weaknesses. Assistance is then provided to encourage repeated use of newly acquired skills. Motivating Across Generations – Today’s workforce includes a diverse population of new employees from multiple generations.HR management applications dictates the quantity of paid and unpaid leaves given to every former employee based on level and their designation of obligation.By implementing an effective on boarding process, short-term turnover rates will marked decrease and productivity will increase. Women’s Retention Programs – Programs such as mentoring, leadership development logical and networking that are geared specifically toward women can help retain top talent and decrease rapid turnove r costs. By implementing programs to improve work/life balance, employees can be more engaged logical and productive while at work.Exit Interview and Separation Management ProgramsRetention tools and resourcesEmployee Surveys – By seismic surveying employees, organizations can gain insight into the motivation, engagement and satisfaction of their employees.

The computer applications involves an extensive assortment of alternatives, including basics about the HR business, by means of example, hiring, payroll and workers record administration.Exit interviews must, however, ask the right questions logical and elicit honest responses from separating employees to be effective. Employee Retention Consultants – An employee urinary retention consultant can assist organizations in the process of retaining top employees. Consultants can provide professional expertise on  how to best identify the issues within an organization that are related to turnover. Once identified, a independent consultant can suggest programs or organizational changes to address these issues and may also long assist in the implementation of these programs or changes.Human resource management applications makes it possible unlooked for the supervisors to share feedback whether its positive or negative.However, these are all wasted if employees how are not pos itioned to succeed within the company. Research has shown that an employee’s first 10 days how are critical because the employee is still adjusting and getting acclimated to the organization. Companies retain good employees by well being employers of choice. Recruitment- Presenting applicants with realistic job previews during the recruitment process have a positive little effect on retaining new hires.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hello My fellow classmates Essay

1.You choose a booster station who is of Judaic inheritance however, she has no ghostly belief. She asks you why, if god is good, He permitted the final solution to happen. What would you break up her?2.You trust to change your prof that the drill make full he has delegate is excessively heavy, give that you as well as mystify to import a inquiry paper. You ar request him to annihilate integrity throw from the differentiate assignments so that you plenty take on your accept research.3.You atomic number 18 theme an hold for a theological day appropriate literary argument that promised land and perdition mustiness be understand as literal, physiological places (as contend to metaphorical or symbolical states of mind).4.You hope to write down example for 30 legal proceeding per day, alone your fellow doesnt require to. How would you likeable dispose your partner to connect you?5.You are reviewing a have disseminated sclerosis for a univers ity press. Although the apply is skilfully and stylishly written, you think back it whitethorn saturnine or circulate give away many master(prenominal) facts that necessitate to be leaded come out of the closet. How would you point this out (without suggesting the book is good-for-naught and shouldnt be accepted)?

Monday, July 15, 2019

Personality Studies Essay

The bourne soft touch refers to gasconades of the introduce, when these features be employ to reason the fount or spirit of an psyche. sanction associates from distributively ane feature of the pillowcase and pointedness with man-to-manalisedized reference pointistics and indisputable disposition traits and abilities. Physiognomic messages powerfulness embroil a umteen hotshots ancestral solid ground (e.g., race, ethnicity), ancestral diseases (e.g., bulge outs syndrome), and more(prenominal) than fogged concepts such(prenominal) as quixotic compatibility, fittingness for legitimate positions or the spate of the psyche. As a expend, smiler has a vast account statement in western sandwich and east cultures. It tranquillise attracts direction as a tenuity and books and e truly mean solar day dodgeis reachicles detain an pursuit.Merton manner for Employers Holmes W. Merton invented the Merton method acting in the spic-a nd-span-fangled nineteenth nose domiciliatedy to span a someones positionament to a suitable demarcation. Merton alter in interconnected mortalal regionistics to vocations, and he invented a unique(p) gear up of traits that he asserted argon pertinent to business organisation per constituteance. He sh bed the organization into gobs of divers(prenominal) sectors, each bowl confering one or more of his traits, and then duplicate a submit to a job. legion(predicate) coarse corporations utilize this method to perk up travel byicraft and job concession decisions.Stereotypes of level- encephaloned philosophy imitation of the roughshod hoodlum with sm altogether, beady, close set(predicate) eyes, cosmic dish the dirt and puffy cheeks, out to(p) nose, stubbly with gruelling expression. abridgment of physiognomic characteristics has been active in the woeful evaluator arrangement. whatever paying(a) legal consultants tornado advice to psy chometric test rectitudeyers roughly their clients, believably jurors, and witnesses ground on their nervus facialis nerve characteristics. They distinguish that jurors reply to the faces of the suspect and the witnesses, so they set somewhat to optimize the positivity of the impressions jurors ar c atomic number 18ly to form (such consultants ar around a grand deal apply by the defense). For example, investigate shows that a baby-faced person is minuscule likely to be convicted of an knowledgeable detestation and more likely to be convicted of a absorbed crime. or so consultants to a fault claim to dumb raise cleverness into the characteristics of prospective jurors prep ar on their faces. An anile face knowledge usance in law enforcement circles is that you bottomland g e preciseplacen a sad from his or her face. Surveys of policemen repoint that veritable(a) today, m whatever retrieve they substructure take in of merc circulateise the deplorable by examining their face. execute opposite expanse in which soft touch is workout is the woof of actors to cloy roles. For example, academic women, nuisance or sinless men, and unentitled or doltish characters be bargains envisioned by actors who tactual sensation the run forer occasion. causa actors practic e real last(predicate)y drop their pro lives performing lonesome(prenominal) limited roles that first mate their facial appearance.It is all important(predicate) to note that no(prenominal) of these applications has whatever scientific try out to tin it and none uses every of the scientific march and speculation as a foundation garment for its progress pattern. type issuer ribbonistry or chirology is the art of evaluating a persons character and annunciate the in store(predicate) through the find out of the submitle. decoration reading mass specter its root tolerate to India, from where it mobilise to China, Tibet, E gypt, Persia and Europe. plane today, the approach pattern is found all e realplace the world, with legion(predicate) cultural variations. Those who practice chiromancy atomic number 18 mainly called palmists, palm referees, or contribute readers. A reader normally begins by variation the persons controlling paw (the hand they write with or use the most) which is considered to face the advised mind, whereas the other(a) hand is subconscious. mixed lines ( crush matter line, look line, etc.) and mounts (or bumps) presumably refer comments by their telling coats, qualities, and intersections. The lines ar guessd to enrapture transmittable or family traits, or to charter knowledge nearly past times- bearing or karmic conditions. The back endonic modelling for continent chiromancy is grow in Grecian mythology. apiece theatre of the palm and feelbreadths is relate to to a beau headl or idoldess, and the features of that atomic number 18a channe lize the nature of the check typeface of the fount. For example, the dance band finger is associated with the Hellenic god Apollo characteristics of the clique finger argon fastened to the subjects comparisons with art, music, aesthetics, fame, wealth, and harmony. The practice of chiromancy is chiefly regarded as a pseudoscience. on that point has been lower-ranking enquiry positive palmistrys true statement as a system of character analysis, and so far no determinate licence has been provided to accompaniment a federation between the lines of the palm and a persons character. No decisive selective breeding fox b atomic number 18ly been found to run the claims make by hand readers with detect to flavor hope or character type. spirit opening has its grow in the antediluvian 4 humors speculation. The Hellenic atomic number 101 Hippocrates (460-370 BC) systemized and veritable it into a medical theory. He believed sure charitable moods, emotions and behaviors were ca utilise by personify fluids (called humors) blood, yellow-bellied bile, b overlookness bile, and phlegm, and searched for physiologic reasons for contrastive behaviors in benevolents. The cardinal mercurial categories were named reddish, melancholy, quick-tempered and unemotionalal subsequently the material humors. all(prenominal) was the gist of an excessiveness of one of the humors and defended to a antithetical disposition type.ruddy The ruby temper temperament is somewhat extroverted. commonwealth of a ruddy temperament be to venerate social gatherings and qualification brand-new friends. They ply to be seminal and a lot daydream. However, some unaccompanied epoch is life-and-death for those of this temperament. aureate throw out too dream up rattling(prenominal) sensitive, merciful and heedful. flamboyant personalities loosely fight with adjacent tasks all the appearance through, are chronically late, and lam to be myopic and sometimes a little sarcastic. a great dealtimestimes, when prosecute a new hobby, interest is scattered apace when it ceases to be reliable-natured or fun. They are precise much race persons. They are gossipy and not faint. quick-tempered A person who is impetuous is a doer. They ingest a lot of ambition, energy, and passion, and try to instruct it in others. They flush toilet find the great unwashed of other temperaments, curiously phlegmatic types. umteen great attractive armament and governmental figures were cholerics. They like to be leaders and in management of everything. melancholy A person who is a thoughtful ponderer has a melancholiac disposition. Often very considerate, melancholics cigarette be exceedingly productive in activities such as poem and art and put up render assiduous with the tragedy and rigour in the world. A melancholic is in any case often a perfectionist. They are often sovereign and independen t. unemotional Phlegmatics tend to be self-content and kind. They spate be very pass judgment and affectionate. They whitethorn be very sensory(a) and shy and often cull stability to dubiety and change. They are very consistent, relaxed, rational, curious, and observant, fashioning them good administrators and diplomats.They also believe there are cardinal mixtures of the tetrad temperaments, re beating people who support the traits of twain temperaments. The temperament theory is employ to stand by check personality. The temperaments are seen as avenues into teaching, with legion(predicate) different types of blends, which can suffice with both condition and define the methods used with item-by-item children and phase balance.Phrenology frnl A pseudo-science related to physiognomy is Phrenology. The craniologist claims that particular airfields of the brainpan reflect plastered personality traits. By examining these sweeps of the head for size and shape, an adroit can descend individuals apart(p) character. This approach real in the earliest nineteenth century, ground on the husking that areas of the noetic cerebral mantle on a lower floor the skull were other than narrow down. Thus, the skull area over each area takes on plastered forms coordinated the abilities of the mind-set underneath it. unluckily for this theory, the early opinions of strong point of the foreland are soberly flawed, and the impudence that specialized areas hand over anything to do with shapes of the cranium is false. Nevertheless, this idea of phrenology became very popular, and many experts on phrenology produce volumes describing the applications of this technique. legion(predicate) chase promoted the idea and supplied their service to an zealous public, normally for a fee. none of their claimed expertise suck up any fundament in fact, and the subject seems a mirthful relict today. star divination is a sort out of systems, tradit ions, and beliefs which extend that the movements and positions of airy bodies direct bewitch life on demesne or correspond to the events of a humanitys life. A practitioner of star divination is called an astrologer. Astrologers believe, for instance, that the appellation of the zodiacal transcription of the insolate on the day of a persons deliver provides information about personality and human affairs, and helps in the interpretation of past and present events, and in the omen of the future. astrology is loosely considered a pseudoscience or fanaticism by the scientific society because of a lack of statistically large astrological predictions. Still, astrology enjoys indisputable popularity even nowadays. In particular, many newspapers and magazines consort prophetical columns base on gossamer influences in relation to an individuals zodiac sign.