To what extent should Winston Smith be pitied or look up to in 1984? War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. These atomic number 18 the slogans in the human being of 1984. The characters are trapped in a humankind where alship canalything that ever existed is false, and everything that never existed is real. Living in a world like this would come in confusing and oerwhelming. In the unexampled 1984 written by George Orwell there are numerous ways in which you bottomland both(prenominal) ruth and admire Winston Smith, not single is Winston constantly being watched by those in the Thought constabulary force and the Party, Winston is forever effect guilty over is mothers shoemakers last and whilst a this is happening he is having complicated love affair which could lead to tragic consequences if ever found upon. Big companion is watching you At the fount of 1984 the book describes Winstons conditions of spiritedness and how he has no freedom. on that point are cameras in every corner, on the streets at your execution and even in our own home. Whilst you whitethorn pity Winston for having such(prenominal) a terrible life, umteen admire him for getting on with it and not constantly bedevilment about the negatives.

Even though Winston knows that there are many cameras around his house and that it is against the rules he still tries to right a diary, describing how much he hates the piece and everything about it. Without thinking Winston says vote down with Big Brother over and over again, breaking whole rules he has been tau ght to believe. Although many pity for doing! the stupid act of written material a diary and putt his own life in danger even though he knows he depart get caught eventually, he can easily be admired for writing against the Party, the Thought Police and Big Brothers rules. Many whitethorn say that if Winston knew he was going away to be caught, then why did he write the diary in the first gear place. I think that Winston hated life and was constantly reminded of the effect of his mothers death, Winston was so unhappy that he may have treasured to die....If you want to get a luxuriant essay, order it on our website:
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